Source code for pycounter.helpers

"""Helper functions used by pycounter."""
import calendar
import datetime
import re

import pendulum

[docs]def convert_covered(datestring): """ Convert coverage period string to datetimes. :param datestring: the string to convert to a date. Format as 'YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD' :return: tuple of instances (Will also accept MM/DD/YYYY format, ISO 8601 timestamps, or existing datetime objects; these shouldn't be in COUNTER reports, but they do show up in real world data...) Also accepts strings of the form 'Begin_Date=2019-01-01; End_Date=2019-12-31' for better compatibility with some (broken) COUNTER 5 implementations. """ try: start_string, end_string = datestring.split(" to ") except ValueError: start_string, end_string = tuple(re.findall(r"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", datestring)) start_date = convert_date_run(start_string) end_date = convert_date_run(end_string) return start_date, end_date
[docs]def convert_date_run(datestring): """ Convert a date of the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' to a object. (Will also accept MM/DD/YYYY format, ISO 8601 timestamps, or existing datetime objects; these shouldn't be in COUNTER reports, but they do show up in real world data...) :param datestring: the string to convert to a date. :return: object """ if isinstance(datestring, return datestring return pendulum.parse(datestring, strict=False).date()
[docs]def convert_date_column(datestring): """ Convert human-readable month to date of first day of month. :param datestring: the string to convert to a date. Format like "Jan-2014". :return: """ return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestring.strip(), "%b-%Y").date()
[docs]def is_first_last(period): """ Args: period: a tuple of objects Returns: bool, whether the period starts on the 1st of a month and ends on the last of a month """ if period == (None, None): return True return period[0].day == 1 and period[1].day == last_day(period[1]).day
[docs]def last_day(orig_date): """ Find last day of a month from any day in the month. :param orig_date: the date within the month for which we want the last day as :return: of last day of the month """ day_number = calendar.monthrange(orig_date.year, orig_date.month)[1] return, orig_date.month, day_number)
[docs]def next_month(dateobj): """Find the first day of the next month after the given date. :param dateobj: the date within the month for which we want the next month's first day as :return: of the first day of the next month """ year_delta, old_month = divmod(dateobj.month, 12) return + year_delta, old_month + 1, 1)
[docs]def prev_month(dateobj): """Find the first day of the previous month before the given date. :param dateobj: the date within the month for which we want the previous month's first day as :return: of first day of the previous month. """ year_delta, old_month = divmod(dateobj.month - 2, 12) return + year_delta, old_month + 1, 1)
[docs]def format_stat(stat): """Turn numbers possibly with embedded commas into integers. Also accepts existing ints, which may be pre-converted from Excel. :param stat: numeric value, possibly with commas :return: int """ if isinstance(stat, int): return stat stat = stat.replace(",", "") stat = stat.lstrip("=") try: return int(stat) except ValueError: return 0
[docs]def guess_type_from_content(file_obj): """Guess type of a spreadsheet-like file. Defaults to assuming it's CSV, if it doesn't appear to be XLSX or TSV. :param file_obj: file-like object of which to determine type. :return: string, one of "xlsx", "tsv", "csv" """ first_bytes = if first_bytes == b"PK": filetype = "xlsx" else: content = if b"\t" in content: filetype = "tsv" else: filetype = "csv" return filetype