The sushiclient

pycounter comes with a rudimentary SUSHI command line client.


Before pycounter 1.1, SUSHI requests were always made with SSL verification turned off. The default is now to verify certificates. If you must contact a SUSHI server without verification, please use the verify=False argument to request() or the –no-ssl-verify flag on sushiclient.


sushiclient [OPTIONS] <URL>


The SUSHI endpoint/WSDL URL to use


-r, --report

report name (default JR1)

-l, --release

COUNTER release (default 4)

-s, --start_date

Start Date (default first day of last month) in ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format

-e, --end_date

Ending Date (default last day of last month) in ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format

-i, --requestor_id

Requestor ID as defined in the SUSHI standard


Email address of requestor


Internationally recognized organization name

-c, --customer_reference

Customer reference number as defined in the SUSHI standard


Internationally recognized organization name

-f <format>, --format <format>

Output format (currently only allows the default, tsv)

-o <output_file>, --output_file <output_file>

Path to write output file to. If file already exists, it will be overwritten.

-d, --dump

Dump raw request and response to logger.


Skip SSL certificate verification.


Do not wait 60 seconds before retrying a request in case of failure. This is provided mainly for testing; it’s not recommended to skip the delay when talking to someone else’s server…


Request the status of the (COUNTER 5 only at the moment) SUSHI server, print it, and exit. Ignores all other options except –release, –dump, and the URL.