pycounter Internal APIs

pycounter.sushi5 module

COUNTER 5 SUSHI support.

pycounter.sushi5.get_sushi_stats_raw(wsdl_url=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, requestor_id=None, customer_reference=None, report='TR_J1', release=5, sushi_dump=False, verify=True, url=None, api_key=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get SUSHI stats for a given site in dict (decoded from JSON) format.

  • wsdl_url – (Deprecated; for backward compatibility with COUNTER 4 SUSHI code. Use url instead.) URL to API endpoint for this provider
  • start_date – start date for report (must be first day of a month)
  • end_date – end date for report (must be last day of a month)
  • requestor_id – requestor ID as defined by SUSHI protocol
  • customer_reference – customer reference number as defined by SUSHI protocol
  • report – report type, values defined by SUSHI protocol
  • release – COUNTER release (only 5 is supported in this module)
  • sushi_dump – produces dump of JSON to DEBUG logger
  • verify – bool: whether to verify SSL certificates
  • url – str: URL to endpoint for this provider
  • api_key – str: API key for SUSHI provider (not used by all vendors; see vendor instructions to determine if this is needed)

Convert a raw report to CounterReport.

Parameters:raw_report – raw report as dict decoded from JSON

pycounter.constants module

Constants used by pycounter.

pycounter.csvhelper module

Read CSV as unicode from both python 2 and 3 transparently.

class pycounter.csvhelper.UnicodeReader(filename, dialect=<class 'csv.excel'>, encoding='utf-8', fallback_encoding='latin-1', **kwargs)[source]

CSV reader that can handle unicode.

Must be used as a context manager:

with UnicodeReader(‘myfile.csv’) as reader:
pass # do things with reader
  • filename – path to file to open
  • dialect – a csv.Dialect instance or dialect name
  • encoding – text encoding of file
  • fallback_encoding – encoding to fall back to if default encoding fails; gives warning if it’s used.

All other parameters will be passed through to csv.reader()

class pycounter.csvhelper.UnicodeWriter(filename, dialect=<class 'csv.excel'>, encoding='utf-8', lineterminator='n', **kwargs)[source]

CSV writer that can handle unicode.

Must be used as a context manager:

with UnicodeWriter(‘myfile.csv’) as writer:
pass # do things with writer
  • filename – path to file to open
  • dialect – a csv.Dialect instance or dialect name
  • encoding – text encoding of file

All other parameters will be passed through to csv.writer()


Write a row to the output.

Parameters:row – list of cells to write to the file

Write many rows to the output.

Parameters:rows – list of lists of cells to write

pycounter.helpers module

Helper functions used by pycounter.


Convert coverage period string to datetimes.

Parameters:datestring – the string to convert to a date. Format as ‘YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD’
Returns:tuple of instances

(Will also accept MM/DD/YYYY format, ISO 8601 timestamps, or existing datetime objects; these shouldn’t be in COUNTER reports, but they do show up in real world data…)

Also accepts strings of the form ‘Begin_Date=2019-01-01; End_Date=2019-12-31’ for better compatibility with some (broken) COUNTER 5 implementations.


Convert human-readable month to date of first day of month.

Parameters:datestring – the string to convert to a date. Format like “Jan-2014”.

Convert a date of the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ to a object.

(Will also accept MM/DD/YYYY format, ISO 8601 timestamps, or existing datetime objects; these shouldn’t be in COUNTER reports, but they do show up in real world data…)

Parameters:datestring – the string to convert to a date. object

Turn numbers possibly with embedded commas into integers.

Also accepts existing ints, which may be pre-converted from Excel.

Parameters:stat – numeric value, possibly with commas

Guess type of a spreadsheet-like file.

Defaults to assuming it’s CSV, if it doesn’t appear to be XLSX or TSV.

Parameters:file_obj – file-like object of which to determine type.
Returns:string, one of “xlsx”, “tsv”, “csv”
period: a tuple of objects
Returns: bool, whether the period starts on the 1st of a month and ends on
the last of a month

Find last day of a month from any day in the month.

Parameters:orig_date – the date within the month for which we want the last day as of last day of the month

Find the first day of the next month after the given date.

Parameters:dateobj – the date within the month for which we want the next month’s first day as of the first day of the next month

Find the first day of the previous month before the given date.

Parameters:dateobj – the date within the month for which we want the previous month’s first day as of first day of the previous month.